Council Tax Advice

As the cost of living continues to rise, check whether you’re entitled to support with your council tax. There are a number of ways to claim a discount if you are applicable:

If you live alone

If you’re the only adult living in your home, you should receive a 25% discount on your council tax – this is known as ‘single person reduction’.

If you previously lived with someone and they have moved out you should inform the council of the change to make sure you don’t miss out on the discount. 

If the people you live with are disregarded

Discounts are available to some people depending on their circumstances. For example if you live on your own, or people living in the property are classed as ‘disregarded’ (e.g. under 18s, people in education or those with disabilities), you could be eligible for a discount. 

More information on who is counted is available on the government website.

If you’re on a low income

If you are on a low income or receive certain benefits you might be able to get your council tax reduced.

Your local council will ask you details about your income and your circumstances, so they can work out if you’re entitled to a council tax reduction. They will then calculate your new bill and tell you how much council tax you need to pay.

If you’ve reached pension age

You may also be eligible for additional support if you’ve reached State Pension age which you can check on the government website.

If you’re under State Pension age, the ‘working age rules’ apply and if you’ve reached State Pension age, it depends if you or your partner get certain benefits.

If you’re struggling to pay

Even if none of the reduction criteria applies to you, your council can still consider reducing your bill or cancelling it altogether, this is called a ‘discretionary reduction’.

You’ll need to contact your council and show evidence that you’re experiencing significant hardship and are unable to pay.

Check your account

If you are struggling with your finances, there are a number of ways that Manchester City Council can provide support. Click here to find out more information.

For information relating to Council Tax and how to manage your account, please click here.

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